Financial Autonomy for State Legislatures

Financial Autonomy for State Legislatures

Legislative staff in Oyo, Edo, Kano, Ondo, and Ogun states have started an indefinite strike. They are asking for financial autonomy for state legislatures. The strike has closed assembly gates, preventing lawmakers from entering.

Oyo Assembly Workers Demand Changes

In Oyo, workers held signs asking for financial autonomy. Led by Chairman Yemi Alade, they want compliance with the constitution. They also want implementation of CONLESS for staff salaries. Alade said the strike continues until demands are met.

Edo Assembly Joins In

In Edo, staff barricaded gates, denying access. Chairman Umaru Haruna stressed autonomy is constitutional. The national assembly passed it and a president agreed. But implementation has not started, leading to the nationwide protest.

Kano Workers Cite Failed Implementation

In Kano, staff closed the House of Assembly. Chairman Bashir Yahaya said the strike follows the failure to apply financial autonomy, despite a two-year period. President Buhari signed the Financial Autonomy Act.

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Ogun Workers Seek Compliance

In Ogun, PASAN members struck to demand applying autonomy for legislatures. Chairman Ojediran Ayotunde noted non-compliance caused unpaid salaries and allowances. It also caused exclusion from a 40% pay rise for civil servants.

Ondo Assembly Joins Protest

In Ondo, PASAN staff peacefully demonstrated at the Assembly. Chairman Mrs. Omolola Olufemi stressed autonomy’s importance for legislative growth. She said they gave government enough time to implement autonomy.
The workers are united in asking for financial autonomy, emphasizing the constitution requires independence from the executive. They will continue the strike until the government responds to their important demands.

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