Rivers State in Turmoil

Rivers State in Turmoil

PORT HARCOURT — Rivers State, a hotspot for politics in Nigeria, experienced major upheaval as a long-running crisis escalated. Tensions came to a head, resulting in fires at the state House of Assembly and a contentious effort to impeach Governor Siminalayi Fubara. The chaos also included alleged assassination attempts on the governor. Amid the turmoil, 26 assembly members suspended Speaker Martins Amaehwule and elected Edison Ehie as the new speaker, further fueling political unrest in the state.

Crisis at the House of Assembly

The crisis that hit Rivers State began with the burning of the House chambers on a Sunday night. As tensions rose, gunshots and tear gas were used at the Assembly Complex during a meeting to start impeachment against Governor Fubara.

Afterward, armed guards sealed off the premises. Police said they would fully investigate to identify and charge those responsible. Rumors, unconfirmed at filing, claimed the Chief Judge, council chairs, commissioners, Chief of Staff, and Security Officer to the governor had been removed.

Alleged Assassination Attempt on Governor

Amid the turmoil, Governor Fubara accused compromised police of trying to kill him during a visit to assess Assembly damage. In a show of strength, he addressed thousands of youth at the Government House gate. Fubara condemned efforts to impeach him, calling it illegal action. He demanded reasons from the 24 lawmakers behind it.
Fubara thanked Rivers people for their support, stressing any impeachment must be properly explained. “Let them say what offense I committed,” he stated. He pledged to continue to defend and protect citizen interests.

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New Leadership Emerges

In response to the impeachment attempt, a new House leadership formed. The 26 members suspended Speaker Amaehwule and three others. They then elected and inaugurated Hon. Edison Ehie as the new speaker. Speaker Ehie vowed to uphold justice, fairness, and the rule of law in the legislative process.

She stated, “I will be just and fair to all. And ensure the rule of law through the judiciary, executive, and legislative branches. The suspended members will get a fair hearing. The Information Committee will publish their names. The Petitions Committee will also ensure fairness.
As Rivers State grapples with these tremors, residents and Nigeria watch closely to see if stability and resolution emerge.

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