ECOWAS: Coups Fueling Insecurity

ECOWAS: Coups Fueling Insecurity

Coups Fueling Insecurity in West Africa – ECOWAS

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has expressed concern that the military coups in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger are contributing to the region’s insecurity.

Unstable Situation

Omar Touray, the President of the ECOWAS Commission, highlighted this issue during his speech at the 51st Ordinary Session of the ECOWAS Mediation and Security Council in Abuja.

Recent Coups

Over the past few years, coups d’état have taken place in Burkina Faso (January 23, 2022), Mali (May 24, 2021), and Niger (July 26, 2023).

Challenges to Security

Touray emphasized that the security situation in the region has been continuously challenged.

The Impact on Transition Processes

Touray explained that the transition roadmaps and timetables agreed upon with the transition authorities in Mali, Guinea, and Burkina Faso to restore constitutional order have faced obstacles due to worsening security conditions.

Divisions and Distractions

The attempted coup in Niger has further complicated matters, as the transition countries have sought solidarity with the military authorities in Niger, creating a divide between them and ECOWAS.

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Military Coups as a Driver of Insecurity

Touray emphasized that these military coups are not only based on false justifications but also contribute to the region’s insecurity.

Alarming Statistics

To highlight the severity of the situation, Touray shared some alarming statistics. From January 1 to October 23, 2023, in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger:

  • 4.8 million people face food insecurity
  • 2.4 million people are internally displaced
  • Close to 9,000 schools remain closed

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