Parent Flogs Teacher to Death

Parent Flogs Teacher to Death

Agbor, Delta State – Academic activities stopped at Alihami Mixed Secondary School due to the tragic death of teacher Mr. Sunday Ufuah, who was violently assaulted by a parent, leading to his untimely demise.

The heart-wrenching incident happened when student reported being punished by Mr. Ufuah, a Physics teacher, setting off a tragic chain of events.

An anonymous source disclosed a JSS 1 student’s claim of being flogged by the teacher, prompting an angry parent, Mr.Nweke, to assault not only the teacher but also other staff.

The situation escalated, and Mr. Sunday Ufuah tragically collapsed and died from the assault before reaching Agbor General Hospital, leaving the school community in shock and mourning.

Following the shocking incident, Alihami Mixed Secondary School staff protested on Thursday, demanding justice, resonating within the community.

Delta State Police Spokesman, Mr. Bright Edafe, confirmed the incident, stating, “The suspect is in custody, and the investigation continues,” offering hope for justice in the tragic case.

Breaking News on a Landmark Verdict

Furthermore, Commissioner Rose Ezewu strongly condemned the heinous attack and assured the state Government’s commitment to protect educators and seek justice for Mr. Sunday Ufuah’s family in Boji Boji Owa, under Governor Sheriff Oborevwori.

Ezewu expressed, “The Ministry of Secondary Education shares your pain in the loss of your college, Mr. Ufuah, a dedicated and impactful teacher. We grieve with you.”

The community mourns a dedicated educator’s loss, with justice at the forefront, hoping this tragedy protects teaching’s sanctity.


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