NYSC Corp Revolt in Anambra

NYSC Corp Revolt in Anambra

Hey there! Something shocking is happening at the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) orientation camp in Anambra State. The Corp members from Batch C Stream 2 have decided to revolt against their camp commandant whose name is A.S Mohammed. Why? Well, they say that the commandant has been treating them like slaves, violating their rights, and taking advantage of their time.

Unfair Treatment and Exploitation

Reports have come out about the unhappy Corp members who claim that the camp commandant has been treating them unfairly and doing things that are not right. They say that the commandant has been making them work even during their rest time, saying that “he owns their time”. That’s not fair, right?

Expressing their discontent, the upset Corp members have opted for anonymity, fearing potential repercussions if they voice their concerns. They disclose that they endure coercion into performing tasks during their designated rest periods.

Watch the video

This is what they call exploitation, and it has made them angry. So, they decided to stand up against the camp commandant together.

Treating Them Like Slaves

Some of the Corp members have said that the camp commandant not only treats them like slaves but also punishes them a lot, even when they didn’t do anything wrong. This is not fair at all! Expressing profound dissatisfaction, the Corp members seethe with frustration, injecting a palpable tension into the atmosphere within the camp.

A-Ibom Corps Abduction Threat


Calling for Help

The unhappy Corp members are asking for help. They urgently demand an immediate investigation to uncover the actions of the camp commandant. In addition, the NYSC officials need to step in and do something about it. They believe that what has been happening goes against what the NYSC program stands for, which is to bring young Nigerians together and empower them.

Assurance from NYSC Officials

Nothing has been done about this issue yet, there has been no response from any of the NYSC officials but we await their response however, and hope it comes sooner.

Support from Nigerians

People on social media have been talking about this revolt and showing their support for the Corp members. They want the camp commandant to be held accountable for what they have allegedly done. Everyone is waiting to see what happens next and hoping that the NYSC program in Anambra State can be trusted again.

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