Moses Bliss Shares How He Met His Fiancée, Marie

Moses Bliss Shares How He Met His Fiancée, Marie

A Surprising Love Story

Have you ever wondered how people meet their significant others? Well, gospel singer Moses Bliss recently shared his unique love story. He met his fiancée, Marie, through a popular social media platform called Instagram. Let’s find out more about their journey!

A Tag That Changed Everything

One day, Moses Bliss was tagged in a video on Instagram. It was a video of Marie dancing to his famous song, ‘Miracle no Dey tire Jesus.’ This caught his attention and sparked his interest in getting to know her better. Little did he know that this simple tag would change his life forever.

A Divine Connection

Moses Bliss believes that their meeting was not a coincidence, but rather a divine connection orchestrated by God. He shared, “Exactly 1 year ago today, on January 20th, 2023, I was tagged in this video by @mariewiseborn and the rest is history. There are some things only God can orchestrate.”

A Dance That Caught His Eye

When Moses Bliss saw Marie’s video, he was immediately captivated by her love for praising God and her incredible dance moves. He thought to himself, “Wow, she dances like David!” He couldn’t help but be drawn to her joyful spirit and devotion to God.

Following God’s Prompting

Interestingly, Marie had never danced or posted videos online before. However, she felt a strong prompting from God to make that particular video and share it with the world. She finally obeyed and posted the video at 2 am. Little did she know that Moses Bliss would miraculously come across it.

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From Friends to Fiancés

After Moses Bliss saw Marie’s video, they started talking and became friends. Their friendship grew over several months, and now they are happily engaged! Moses Bliss joyfully exclaimed, “MIRACLE NO DEY TIRE JESUS.” This means that miracles from God never run out, and their love story is a testament to that.

A Message of Hope

Moses Bliss ended his story by encouraging others who are believing in God for a similar testimony. He prayed, “For someone believing God for this kind of testimony, may God divinely work out your testimony in Jesus’ name.” His love story serves as a reminder that sometimes, the most unexpected connections can lead to beautiful relationships.

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