Marketing Edge disputes NIMN

Marketing Edge disputes NIMN

Marketing Edge Disputes NIMN’s Claim

Marketing Edge is not happy with the National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria (NIMN) and their recent statement about a breach in the institute’s Act 2003 related to ‘rating.’

Marketing Edge Wants an Apology

In an official statement, Marketing Edge is now asking NIMN to apologize and take back their damaging reports.

Marketing Edge’s Dissatisfaction

Marketing Edge’s attorney, Felix Akinnisola of Akinnisola – Olubodun & Co Chambers, wrote a letter expressing their dissatisfaction with NIMN’s claims.

NIMN Accused of Wrongdoing

The letter accuses NIMN of spreading lies and damaging Marketing Edge’s reputation. Marketing Edge believes that NIMN’s claims are wrong and ridiculous.

Marketing Edge’s Response

Marketing Edge states that they are not a member of NIMN and therefore not under their supervision or regulations. They believe that NIMN should have done their research before making these accusations.

Lawmakers propose 32 universities.

Marketing Edge’s Right to Free Speech

Marketing Edge argues that as a research organization and media practitioner, they have the right to express their opinions freely. They claim that NIMN’s accusations are a violation of their right to freedom of speech.

Marketing Edge’s Strong Words

Marketing Edge’s letter describes NIMN’s actions as malicious, defamatory, and spiteful. They believe that NIMN’s intention was to harm their business and personal reputation.

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