“Tragic End Marks Desperate Act Amid Prolonged Illness”

Lagos Woman Succumbs to Insecticide Ingestion


Confirmation of a Heart-Wrenching Incident

The police in Lagos State have confirmed a really sad incident that happened in the Iwaya area. A woman named Lilian Nwarache, who was 39 years old, lost her life after drinking a deadly insecticide. This happened on Friday, November 3, 2023, and it has made the whole community sad.

Desperation Amidst a Prolonged Illness

Lilian Nwarache had been sick for a long time, and it made her feel hopeless. She was trying to find relief and maybe even a cure through spiritual means. She went to a church in Iwaya, which is known for having different religious communities.

The Final Desperate Act

On that terrible day, Nwarache couldn’t take it anymore. She was so desperate because of her worsening health that she did something drastic and dangerous. She drank a whole bottle of a well-known insecticide, hoping to escape from her physical and emotional pain.

Intervention and a Race Against Time

Luckily, some people passing by saw what Nwarache did and quickly acted to stop her from doing something even worse. They said that after drinking the poison, she tried to jump into a nearby canal. But thanks to these kind people, she was saved from another dangerous situation.

Tragic Confirmation

Nwarache was immediately taken to a local health center in Iwaya, where a doctor confirmed that she had passed away. The insecticide she drank had seriously harmed her already weak body, leading to her untimely death.

Police Response and Preliminary Findings

The Police Public Relations Officer, Benjamin Hundeyin, gave some official information about what happened. He said, “On Friday, around 2 p.m., it was reported at the Sabo police station that a 39-year-old woman, with an unknown address, committed suicide. She had been sick for a long time and went to a church for prayers.” During their investigation, the police found three passports and a Samsung phone that belonged to Nwarache. These things might give them some clues about her background and what led to this tragic event.

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Ongoing Investigations and Family Contact

The police are trying to find Nwarache’s family, but they don’t know who they are yet. Her body has been taken to the Lagos Mainland Hospital Mortuary for preservation and an autopsy to find out the exact cause of her death. Hundeyin said, “We are trying to contact her family, and we are also investigating what happened. This really sad incident reminds us how important it is to take care of our mental health and support people who are dealing with long-term illnesses. It also shows us that we need to come together as a community during difficult times and help those who are in distress.”

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